ascii code Table des caractères ASCII caractère code ASCII code Hexadécimal NUL (Null) 0 00 SOH (Start of heading) 1 01 STX (Start of text) 2 02 ETX (End of text) 3 03 EOT (End of transmission) 4 04 ENQ (Enquiry) 5 05 ACK (Acknowledge) 6 06 BEL (Bell) 7 07 BS (Backspace) 8 08 TAB (tabulation horizontale) 9 09 LF (Line Feed, saut de ligne) 10 0A VT (Vertical tabulation, tabulation verticale) 11 0B FF (Form .. 더보기 이전 1 ··· 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 ··· 69 다음